Domain Registration

Today I decided to register a domain for my personal website. A domain is a name associated with a computer’s address to facilitate its memorization.

Registering a domain is quite simple:

  1. Create a list with some possible names and paste it into a website that checks the availability of multiple URLs simultaneously (bulk registration) such as Go Daddy and UOL Host.

    Prefer simple and short names, they are harder to be available, but it’s worth trying.

    Some domains may already be registered, but inactive or for sale. Contact the owner to negotiate a good price. Some tools that can help: and

  2. Choose a registrar authorized by ICANN. I searched for a Brazilian domain registrar in this list and chose UOL because it costs only R$14.90 per year for a .com domain.

  3. Make the payment and wait for the confirmation, which should not take more than 3 days.

After the domain is registered, you can do as I initially did, create a CNAME for your home server or pay for a server.

Currently, I do both. I created a CNAME at which works as an alias for and always points to my IP. I also got an account at BlueHost, which gives me unlimited traffic, unlimited hosting, and has very good customer service.

Julio Batista Silva
Julio Batista Silva
Data Engineer

I’m a computer engineer passionate about science, technology, photography, and languages. Currently working as a Data Engineer in Germany.

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