Vim colorscheme

I program a lot in C++ and Python using Vim, and since I spend several hours looking at the screen, I decided to look for a color scheme that would facilitate programming and not strain my eyes.

We can find several colorschemes on the official Vim site and also on the site vimcolorschemetest, which includes examples of each one.

  • The best ones I found:

    • Zenburn

      The Zenburn is a low-contrast dark theme that was really made to not strain the eyes. It is my favorite and I currently use it in other places like Awesome WM and URxvt.

    • Mayansmoke

      This Mayansmoke looks great with gvim, but due to a limitation of terminal colors, it doesn’t look as good in text mode Vim.

    • Pyte

  • To install:

    1. If the file is in a Vimball (.vba), just open the file with Vim and type :so % and it will install automatically.

    2. If the file is in a .vim, just drag it to your colorschemes folder, which is usually ~/.vim/colors.

    Here I use the Vundle plugin to keep Zenburn updated (see my .vimrc) and create a symbolic link:

    julio@julio-acer ~> ln -s ~/.vim/bundle/Zenburn/zenburn.vim ~/.vim/bundle/Zenburn/colors
Julio Batista Silva
Julio Batista Silva
Data Engineer

I’m a computer engineer passionate about science, technology, photography, and languages. Currently working as a Data Engineer in Germany.

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