rTorrent RSS

Download only legal content!
Update: consider Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, etc.

If you are one of those who constantly check if new Linux ISOs, music under creative commons, etc. are already available on torrent trackers, setting up your computer to check and start the download automatically can save a lot of effort and improve your ratio.

Here I will explain how I set up an RSS reader to download all the freeleech files from a tracker to one of the folders that my rTorrent monitors.

On the rtorrent website, there is a list of links with RSS utilities. I tested Rssdler, which was the first on the list, seemed quite simple and was designed with rTorrent in mind. Another program that I read good recommendations for was Flexget, which I will leave for another post if I test it in the future.

  1. Download the dependencies for RSSDler

    julio@julio-acer ~> sudo pacman -S python-feedparser python-mechanize
  2. Download and install RSSDler available on AUR

  3. Create the ~/.rssdler folder and copy the configuration file to it

    julio@julio-acer ~> mkdir ~/.rssdler
    julio@julio-acer ~> cp rssdler/config.txt ~/.rssdler
  4. Edit the config.txt file according to your needs. I didn’t upload my file, because it contains my keys, but it looks similar to the following file:

    downloadDir = /media/externo/Downloads/Torrents/rtorrent/watch/Misc
    workingDir = /home/julio/.rssdler
    minSize = 10
    maxSize = 51200
    log = 3
    logFile = downloads.log
    verbose = 3
    scanMins = 15
    sleepTime = 2
    runOnce = false
    urllib = false
    # Músicas
    link = http://www.creativecommonstracker.fm/browse.php?q=format:"FLAC"+is:free&c=0&uid=99xx&passkey=abcdef123456789&rss=1
    minSize = 10
    maxSize = 51200
    directory = /media/externo/Downloads/Torrents/rtorrent/watch/Musicas
    # Videos
    link = http://on.legal-torrents.com/rss.php?feed=direct&cat=4&user=julio&passkey=abcdef123456789
    minSize = 80
    maxSize = 2048
    directory = /media/externo/Downloads/Torrents/rtorrent/watch/Seriados
    regextrue = (breaking.good|the.big.bang|^the.walking|^family.*S10|community.S03.*LOL)
    regexfalse = (HEBSUB|D0|1080p|720p|STV|R5|CAM|TS|dd5|internal)
    link = http://on.legal-torrents.com/rss.php?feed=direct&cat=5&user=julio&passkey=abcdef123456789
    minSize = 100
    maxSize = 3072
    directory = /media/externo/Downloads/Torrents/rtorrent/watch/Seriados
    regextrue = (^serie1.*S08.*720p.*dimension|^serie2.S06.*720p)

    rssdler only allows what is in regextrue and not in regexfalse to be downloaded.

  5. Run rssdler -r to start normally or rssdler -d to start as a daemon.

Julio Batista Silva
Julio Batista Silva
Data Engineer

I’m a computer engineer passionate about science, technology, photography, and languages. Currently working as a Data Engineer in Germany.

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